Wakeup call 8/13 Tue

Lightning and thunder followed by sprinkles of rain began around 0345. Now was the time to decide. Pack an hour earlier than what already seemed too early? If we wanted to pack dry, yes. So we packed up in very light rain, and stowed all our riding gear in the laundry room. Then moved to seats, lifted from the pool, placed under the buildings eves. Nate soon inflated a mattress in the laundry room and fell back asleep. Tucker and I observed light rain and the rumble of distant lightning until the edge reached us around 0530. Wind picked up from nothing to light gusts. The rumble's volume increased, and the night sky turned blacker. The light rain remained unchanged. More lightning just after 0600. We didn't realize the store was open unti nearly 0630. Soon after we drank coffee and ate a breakfast sandwich. Before leaving our table, in the early morning light we could now see the large covered space on the far side of the building. We had clearly sat under the wrong end. The covered area contained many dry picnic tables. Much nicer than our damp edge and wet chairs.

We did finally wake Nate, and even let him eat. Then we rode west into the rain. Lunch came from a gas stop in Oakly, KS. Where it felt great to remove the rain layer. Which nobody wanted to put back on. Our gamble to not wear raingear payed off, and we stayed dry.

Last gas in Limon, CO. Where we selected Falcon Meadow campground as our destination. Because they accepted tents, and we could reach them before the rain should hit. The lightning in the area dash any hope of Pikes Peak today, best option was a pushed to Wednesday morning. We couldn't find anything closer to Pikes, and it would have meant riding into more rain tonight. So Wednesday's new plan is another early start to see Pikes Peak first thing, then head to Silverton via Durango. Another very long ride day starting around 0600.

The ride section from Limon to Falcon was very open cattle grazing land. We reluctantly rode towards rain clouds on the horizon. Over time the clouds parted to reveal a mountain range standing alone. The mountain didn't appear to get much closer as we rode. Worse yet the gps view was scaled way out and made the campground look just around the corner. Only the gps also gave a 38 mile distance to it, then much later only 7 miles away, while stoll only "around one corner". The clouds hadn't parted, just one cell moved harmlessly north of us, while the other approached our campground. The northern cell provided a lightning show over the grazing feilds north of our route. As far as we know it was harmless. We beat the southern storm cell tp camp by very little. Setting up in sprinkles, just like our early morning teardown.

Retreating into our cozy nests before 1700. Hoping to emerge during a break and locate some dinner. Tucker was getting severe weather warnings with "significant notation" at 1730. But it wasn't raining, so we thought it best to go to Culvers for dinner. Another imminent rain alert sent us off towards camp. No troubles encountered.

At least until I took my Anne phone call traveling to the bathhouse for a shower. Only to find a door code was necessary. That's 2 for 4 on needing door codes. Texted the guys back in their tents. Finally the paperwork was located and a door code sent. Apparently there is a lot of motivation in not smelling me on showerless day 3 .