
I'm a New Hampshire native, and late entry into a family already in progress. A surprise baby Bobby arrived when my brother and sister where 16 and 15 years old. My arrival started an 11 year pause on a divorce. My parents might not have always been happy, but they provided a great home for me to grow up in. We enjoyed traveling and I really enjoyed the land we owned in Epping, NH.

My father was a finished carpenter and builder who spent too much time on the finish work to successfully rake in the cash. We lived between feast or famine, so working for him meant I wouldn't get payed until the current customer job payed out. A job at a nearby horse farm provided regular paychecks. That job funded my first two offroad motorcycles that I commuted to work on, and eventually my first car when I was 16. When my parents finally got the long delayed divorce, my dad remarried, and I gained three step brothers. The youngest of which I spent many years growing up with.

I spent time camping and being a outdoor Boy Scout on the land we owned. Eventually we developed the Epping land into a subdivision, sold lots and built a few houses. With the sale of the last house we moved from Epping to the Eastern corner of Wolfeboro. Moving into a old farmhouse without electricity or running water. It evolved over the years into a wonderful farm with a historic core house and attached modern addition.

Attending the University of New Hamshire I met my wife Anne. When we met I rode a 750 Yamaha Virago (my first street bike). Sadly that bike was stolen about a year later. We married when she graduated, and I took a fulltime job at UNH. We had more than a decade together before having our only child. One of our hobbies during that time was backpacking. Having a baby and house consumes all your time. By the time our child reached age two I really wanted to take up a previously lost hobby and decided it would be a return to offroad motorcycling. I had really enjoyed motorcycles growing up, and found that I still did. The Suzuki DRZ400s I purchased was fun, but was a little too small for commuting back and forth on the road, so I bought a 2006 Suzuki Vstrom DL650. Anne and I started touring and camping on that bike, and continued to expand our range. Eventually she learned to ride the DRZ and Vstrom, got her motorcyle license and even her own 2005 DL650. The photo for this post was taken during that first year touring 2up on the DL650 near the Thousand Islands area of New York State.

We have ridden all over the Canadian Maritimes and the Eastern US since then. I've gone as far: West as Wyoming, North & East as Newfoundland, and South as far as Georgia. Logging 105,000 miles on that first 2006 DL650, another 65,000 miles on a second 2005 DL650 (not Anne's), and finally another 17,000 on a 2020 Suzuki DL1050XT.

Life so far (in a word): GREAT.

See my epic tour plan for Summer 2023