Poncho 8/10 sat

I met Tucker at 0630, we met Nate at 0715, started riding together by 0800. Great weather, some high crosswinds from the hurricane we crossed ahead of. No rain, some clouds, good traffic flow.

My last two weeks was spent on an android Bluetooth BLE data capture, decode and plot project.

The plots are of tire pressure readings sent from caps screwed on the valve stems. Tiny battery powered computers sending wireless data broadcasts. Combined with a receiving app to provide a Tire Pressure Monitoring Service (TPMS). But what I purchased couldn't collect data and plot time series charts. So I wrote that feature. Clearly this trip was an oportunity to captured data, and learn what occurs as tires heat up. More on that in another post.

Two NY gas stops at Little Falls & Riga Highway Plazas. First was lunch around noon. The second was a drink break. Last gas dinner, find a campground.

Discovery of the day was that my 1050 Strom now gets better milage than Nate's 1100 Africa Twin. During last year's failed Colorado ride, on these same roads, Nate had the better MPG. Perhaps my fuel pump was failing by that time? Other changes are Nate's tires, my higher tire pressure and I started using mid-grade fuel instead of premium. We compared again with me buying a tank of premium, but I still had better mpg values at our current highway speeds around 75mph. This years pace is a bit slower, perhaps my bike has some advantage at this speed, and Nate's at a higher one...

We arrived in Fairview Ohio at Folly's End Campground after hours. Found the owner and paid him $31 cash. Small site, just good enough. Tents up in daylight.

Then I became the evening entertainment, with my first pitch of a poncho as a bike cover. Awkward for sure. It takes time to figure out the best attachment points. With a lack of other options it sufficed as entertainment.

Keyboard problems surfaced once in my tent. Also, the new paid version of the writing software behaved oddly. So no evening blog entry. Just sleep after making some brief notes