Mork & Carhenge 8/18 Sun

Continental hotel breakfast and a ride to the "Mork and Mindy" house in Boulder, CO. In front of the house is a row of Catalpa trees, probably planted well after the TV show ended. But I collected a few beans from the tree. I would like a Catalpa in Barrington maybe I can grow it from these beans?

We are now on our way back home, but bouncing off any interesting place we pass. After the Mork and Mindy house we exited Colorado into Nebraska. Headed north to see Carhenge in Aliance, NE . It had at least one change since my visit in 2023. The notice of a 2025 arts festival.

We arrived just before 5pm on Sunday. But the Pit Stop store was open. Google gave store hours until 6pm, and the art installation open 24 hours 7 daysa week. After walking around, at 5:30 the store was closed. Nate couldn't get his sticker.... A nice woman from Vermont overheard us, and asked if he just wanted to buy a sticker. Then she went and opened the shop door for him. People are great.

Adter leaving Carhenge we headed east looking for a campground. But there is not much of anything along Rt2, so we turned south to the more populated Rt80. Arriving at Lake Ogallala just before dark. We located many state park campgrounds with most campsites empty. But you must reserve sites before 1800. Can only use drop box payments for car fees. And the camp hosts can't help. We visited 4 campgrounds before giving up and riding to a super8 motel in town. Arriving well after dark.