Bike drop? 8/11 sun

Packed up, had our coffee, then 20min of rain. Nate remained in tent sleeping, while Tucker and I sat uner a nearby roof. Where my keyboard tests confirmed that it is broken.

Riding by 0900, we burned a full fuel tank before a refill and Arby's lunch stop. Coffee break at gas stop #2. Tank #3 got us to a Steak and Shake for dinner. In route we selected Lakewood campground for $28 in Effingham Indiana. At the office closed we selected an available card and payed $28 via a form through the door slot.Setting up again just before dark, but our showers were delayed by a door code. Eventually we found it on someone elses late checkin paperwork. After showering I called Anne.

There might have been a bike dropped. Maybe even a hand gaurd or brake lever damaged. But we will neither confirm, nor deny such events.

I considered ordering a replacement keyboard shipped to Silverton. But found Amazon delivery in the Rocky Mountains isn't as quick as we needed. Plan B of Staples or Best Buy on route also failed to deliver any suitable options.