Best seat ever 8/12 mon

All up early. Tucker and I made coffee. Rode from 0800 until gas and Dennys in St Luis without rain. It's possible there was a stop at a motorcycle dealer who had no brake lever in stock. After breakfast we suited for rain and rode to fireworks, where we only bought gas and coffee. Finally, out of the rain and into 86F muggy heat. When I asked Nate for a stop to slip into something less sweaty, Tucker quickly seconded. We then made an early gas and snack stop. Continuing west to Walt's Four Season RV Park near Enterprise Kansas.. Which has it all, $30 tenting, store, dinner, showers. We left the pool, mini golf and laundry unused.

Weeks before this trip, Nate and I rebuilt my seat. Saturday was the first full days ride on it. I used the Alaskan Leather sheepskin cover for the entire first day. It performed well enough. Sunday all day without the sheepskin, and it felt good. Monday was day three, and the rebuilt seat was wonderful. I found a perfect position that relieved all seat bone pressure. When in the cutout area, all tenderness was gone. It could be improved by extending the cuts further back and further forward. Hopefully making anyplace on the center line comfortable. I suspect slicing the top most foam layer further forward and all the way to the back of the seat will be even better. Also, planning to test it with a cover before stapling.

A bad storm is forcast for Tuesday 0615 to 0815. This evening, our plan is to pack before the rain if possible. Then breakfast here until the red rain passes. Start west in green rain and hopefully into sunshine during our first hour of riding. The morning weather forecast will dictate actual timing. Could end up sleeping in, and/or eating before packing wet gear.

The current Tuesday plan is to camp near Pikes Peak. Wednesday, we should arrive in Silverton.