Warehouse 16 Update(6/18/23)-by Anne

Good Thursday morning from Warehouse 16. Because it was a cool evening last night, I had the windows open to let the fresh air in. It was 11:15 last night before I finished a nice call with Rob, so I was looking forward to a good nights sleep. I fell asleep and awoke to the early birds whippoorwill etc starting their morning song about 4:45 am. I remember a bit of a dream I had . I was in a truck pulling a horse trailer going along a highway. Suddenly as we rounded a turn, there was a foot of snow in the road. The trailer fishtailed and I jumped out, as did a whole bunch of other people. Rob and I found a safe place to be off the road. Dreams can be strange. Anyway, not wanting to get up just yet, I went to close the window. Before I could get it closed, Suzie smelled something in the air and started growling. I didn't want her to wake everyone up so early, So I tried to quell her enthusiasm, but to no avail. So I resigned to coffee on the deck, so she could keep watch. I guess Suzie knows best. Though no bad guys were ever seen, there was a beautiful sunrise, a cottontail bunny eating breakfast, and a menagerie of birds to enjoy. The chickens were suprizingly quiet, which was nice for a change. Except for a few mosquitoes and noseeums, which almost made me go inside, it was a beautiful morning.

I had two big accomplishments for the week. The first, was that I was able to replace the tops to all three of my bridge platforms.(they are used as bridges for the horses to walk across during my obstacle clinics I put on ) I also painted a non-slip finish on them. I went to Lowe's and they graciously cut the plywood for me and I was able to screw on the tops without much trouble. The hardest part was taking off the old plywood . It took a hammer and crowbar, and lots of sweat, but I did it. The second accomplishment was getting the lawn mowed again. After last times struggle, I didn't have much faith that she would start up easily. To my suprise, she started right up. I was finally able to mow the lawn as it has been raining on and off for days and the grass was very high again. I am happy too, as the grass on the front lawn that I planted is coming in nicely, one benefit of all this rain.