Turtle Tales(6/2/23)-by Anne

Boy was it a busy day today. I woke up at 5 am. I still had a few chores to do before I left for the Stockmanship Clinic this weekend. Luckily it had rained overnight, so I didn't have to water the deck plants. I did redo the Hummingbird's sugar water, as it was looking pretty cloudy. At this point, my day was going smoothly. I enjoyed a cup of coffee, and watched the weather. 90 degrees again today with more humidity. Yuck.

At 7:30 Brooke and I left to go to the barn. This is when my day got busy. We were almost at the barn when Brooke realizxed that she had left her meds at home. Ugh. So after Brooke fed the horses, I headed back home to get gas and pick up her meds. Around 9:15 I am back at the barn and continue packing for the clinic. I am already wearing a wet neckie to help me stay cool in the humidity. I am going through my locker, when Brooke says "I found a baby turtle." Sure enough it was a baby painted turtle about the size of a half dollar. It was very active, but very far away from any water source. I decided the best place for it was down by the brook, so off I went on a hike way down the trail to the brook. I found a quiet place with mud, a rock for sunning, and plenty of water. It was a perfect place for a turtle.

I was pretty hot when I got back from my hike. I couldn't wait for Brooke to be done working, so I could enjoy the air conditioning in the car. At 11:00 Brooke was finished , so we headed home via Market Basket and Rite Aid for last minute items. At home I washed up[ and had a bit of lunch. At 1pm I headed back to the barn. I packed up the trailer with all my gear as well as hay and h2O for Takota. I wet my bandana reapeatedly so that I could stay cool. Around 2;45, Sue who had graciously agreed to trailer Takota, arrives. We hitch up quickly, as the sky lools like it could rain at any minute. We drive out front and load up Takota. He goes on right away. Yay. Our ride to Bradford, NH is uneventful and it doesnt rain. When we arrive, I get my stuff unloaded and settle Takota into his stall. It looks like it will rain soon, so I put up my tent as quickly as someone who is sweating to death and fighting the nats can. The tent goes up easily, but I fuss with the fly, and it takes me a bit to realize it is upside down.

There was a well needed pizza dinner in the farm house , so I went up with the other clinic participants to hang out and eat. While we are in the house there are some big bolts of lightning and loud thunder. The hot weather is breaking slowly. When dinner and chatting are done, we all go down to feed the horses and get ready to settle down for the night. I take Takota out for a walk to show him the cattle and let him graze a bit. The nats are out in full force, and the sky looks like rain, so I put Takota away and head for the tent. I set up my bed and start the camping fan. I feel wonderful as I enjoy the blow of the fan. I hear a few rumbles of thunder and now it is raining. I hope this old tent is still waterproof......