Three Twisted Sisters (10/13/23 Fri)

Happy friday the 13th! I tried to find trouble to get myself into today and only managed to find a really good time. First I decided to take the long way to Leakey, by using the Rever App to locate Epic & Great roads for my approach. Turns out that by back tracking to Del Rio and then heading further east to Bracketville, then over shooting north to Rocksprings, then overshooting south to Camp Wood, and finally heading to Leakey I could collect an extra handful of twisty roads and only add 50% more time to my ride. Sign me up. Then a weather check showed most of that area covered in clouds and light rain. So I put my frogg toggs on and headed into what I thought would be a much needed free bikewash day. In addition to lots of law enforcement on these nice roads, I saw many signs warning about road flooding. But I saw almost zero rain all day. By Rocksprings it got hot and sunny and I packed up the raingear for the day. I didn't want to eat early because I was going to be in Leakey by 1330, and figured I could eat at the biker hangout and then go ride the Three Twisted Sisters.

Arriving in Leakey I went to the Bent Rim for lunch. There was only a couple of people there. One leathered up biker with tats sat alone at a table by the bar. He said I could get a drink at the bar. I asked about food, and he pointed to a room next to the bar. After ordering I figured I would push my friday the 13th luck and ask if I could join him. He said something about it not being Sunday so it's OK with him. I wasn't sure what that meant and asked. He noted that barside table is reserved for the club Sundays. But he's a member and it's not sunday. Spoiler, I'm not dead yet.

We had lunch, shared stories and ride locations for over an hour. I have some new places to see if I get back to western Colorado. And more importantly some nice places in Oklahoma, in the direction that I'll be heading next week. He showed me photos of local spots on the Sisters and talked about the Bent Rim owners. He then headed out to the Hog Pen a friends place up the street. I went to the gift shop and bought stickers.

Then I started on the Three Twisted Sisters ride clockwise 337, 335, (41), 336; as he recommended. I arrived in Leakey via 337, so I was now riding that one the other direction. Back past all the same police vehicles that I waved to heading east, but now I waved at them heading west. I stopped and took a few pictures too: Long horn steer, the Rust in Peace display... I passed Elaine and Keith's Ranch just before completing the loop on 336 back to downtown Leakey. Nearly accross the street from Elaines gate I saw The Hog Pen a BBQ biker hangout. But my buddy said they closed at 1600, and this was around 1715.

After procuring a very manly fruit popsical and gatorade I checked google maps to locate the correct gate for the ranch. Elaine had texted an ETA for Keith around 1800. So I set out to see if I could work this out on my own in the 30 minutes I had. I was surprised to see a bike ride up the driveway I thought was theirs. But a roadside google maps check confirmed I had the correct driveway, further confirmed by the gate code working. The single bike track did proceed up the driveway and continued to their ranch. As I approached I saw a truck heading out toward me, and we would meet on the single width driveway. It was a guy I have never met, and we eyed each other for a moment. Then he asked if I was a brother, and I explained who I was and that Keith was due back in about 20 minutes. He was heading out to hunt a coyote, but decided if Keith would be back he would wait for him. I continued to the house and he swapped out the truck for his 1300 R2 Hyabusa with enlongated rear axle. I should have taken a picture of our bikes because they couldn't be more different. I clearly had the better tool for a back country ranch road. Honestly I can't think of anything harder you could ride on loose marbles this than his 200hp drag bike.

Keith arrived after we had talked bikes a bit. Eventually Keith and I went to a local cafe for dinner. We arrived as about 10 dudes on bikes with Los Muertos jackets walked in for dinner. Keith manuvered around them and their bikes in his big texas truck. Then we walk in and competed with them for waitress service. We all lived, and I had the best squash and zuchini vegetable side ever. The watress and I just love that side.

Back at the ranch I washed clothes, talked with Anne, typed this and finally took a long overdue shower. Tomorrow I might feel almost human. Just in time for the sun to go dark.