Picking a route (9/27/23 Wed)

I woke up at 0500 but it seemed too dark to start my day. So I rolled over and dozed off again. It always appeared too dark so I didn't check my watch again until 0720. The cloud cover mostly blocked out the sun.

Overnight held at a steady 60F, with just a few raindrops. But the tent was mostly dry for packing up, and I was able to make coffee at my campsite. Getting on the road by 0800.

Weather onlong my route looked similar to yesterday, in that I had a slightly larger rain cell to punch through. And it closely matched my expectations, it was larger, but it wasn't nearly as intense as yesterdays rain line. I started the day in full rain gear and rode awhile upto the rain, and then into it, figuring I would stop and eat when it got worse. Hoping most of the heavier center would pass over me while I ate. But it never seemed to get all that bad. Eventually I just needed to stop for gas. A phone weather check revealed that I was almost through it. So I just pushed on.

Prior to that gas stop I saw signs for Iowa. Which made me think PIckers. At the gas stop I looked them up. Nearly on my route, so I went.

Antique Archeology really is not to far off the highway, but it's tucked back in out of sight. So I ended up circling it. Once there it lived upto my expectations. It's a cool shop, with lots of swag for sale. I bought a number of items for myself and others. Took pictures and talked to everyone. None of the "stars" were onsite today. Mike is in Nashville, and Dani on vacation. Apparently they filmed here just last Friday.

I got a local breakfast suggestion from AA the staff. And off to "Breakfast at Berries" I went. It's located just of the Rt80 exit.

I had a conversation with a customer at AA who suggested I go see the feild of dreams. While I'm not a baseball fan, but I did like the movie. A quick check on the set location (most of an hours ride north of me) and weather confirmed that I wouldn't head that way. The weather was all clear to my west, but tiny popup cells if I deviate 50 miles to the north or south.

Weather in Iowa was great. Travelig along Rt 80 I just had to stop at the Worlds Largest Truckstop. It's no Ball of Twine, but you can buy gas and lube your chain there. I probably shouldn't assume that largest ball of twice is anti chain lubing.

Next along my route was the final shootout location that ended Bonnie and Clyde in Dexter, Iowa. As many reviews noted, it's just a roadside sign to read. That was fine but I went at the wrong time of the day. The sunlight shined off the marble so you could not read anything. I used my tarp to try to shade it, but that too was a falure. I assume far better photos of this location's text can be found online.

Stopped for gas in the next town west on Rt 80 and decided to eat and then stay in Stuart IA. Gased-up at one of the truck stops, then dinner downtown at Rosy's Bar & Grill. Great fillet sandwich and fries. Then to a state park 5 miles up Wagon Rd called Nations Bridge Park. Very nice open campsites for $20, with bathrooms and showers. Marvelous sunset over fields on my five mile ride to the park.

I picked a wonderful site and quickly setup as it got dark. Once it was fully dark I realized that I setup my tent on the edge of one of the few street lamps in the park. Great for sitting at the picnick table typing, but probably not as ideal for sleeping. But I solved last nights issue of it always seeming dark in the moring. Now it'll be light all night, just like Alaska.