One Week (4/11/2023)

Retired people say they get busier when they stop working. My guess is that disruption of the normal routine multiplies that busy feeling.

When you hold a mental picture of having time, you say yes to a lot. Probably too much. Normally I put people first and will try to do anything I can for another human.

My first trip starts in two weeks and I have already made a lot of time commitments. Clearly I need to prioritize knocking out my pre-trip todo list.

Everybody is still "sorry to hear" about my job elimination, while I'm still just as excited for what lies ahead. Excited for my upcoming summer touring plans. Excited to explore some of the great ideas on how to make money in the future. Possible partnerships with others, and software products that I could commercialize. Online services I would like, can create and most importantly certain that there are others willing to pay for such a service. Honestly many of the potential paths forward are exciting, and I'm looking forward to exploring a few of them.

The big to do list items:

  • sign work document
  • clean out work office
  • taxes
  • prep bike
  • funeral
  • understand what is needed from me at the 45 day mark
  • sufficient web/blog setup.