Ocala to the FL Pan Handle (5/13/2023)

The Forida pan handle was a nicer part of Florida. Lots of white sand beaches, houses on stilts and less people. Leaving Ocala via SR75 I was quick,y back on the highway heading North, and I stayed that corse for awhile. Then headed into the pan handle and detoured closer to the coastline. Once off the highway I saw a few more motorcycles. OK really about the same number but the majority of those on the highway hung their heads low and slinked along the interstates on trailers or in the bed of trucks. Upon seeing riders, I took a quick check to see if I was about to find some nice curvy Florida road. The answer was no, just normal straight florida ahead. But eventually a coastal road.

Riding along the coast might have taken a few degrees off the 93F temps. Eventually I stopped for fuel and then a late lunch at a BBQ joint. The restaurant was kind of ideal for Florida. A big open room with a roof and screens on three sides. The roof, at this time of day provided much needed shade, the screens offered a breeze and view of the water accross the road. Lunch was the usual (waitresses favorite), in this case half rack of ribs, fried okra, and baked beans. All very good. I pondered where and when I should stop for the day, and consulted a weather app to see if it really was cooler on the coast. Turns out it was cooler and possibly if I camped soon I might be setup and/or completely miss the afternoon thunderstorm.

Just ahead of me was a geographical feature that looked interesting. There is a nature preserve on off the coast on St. Joseph Penninsula, and a chain of islands. Camping existed on the in this area, so I picked out one that reviews call a beautiful place that needed renovations. My thinking was that it would be low key, and maybe cheaper. I was low key, but cost more than $50 for my tent site and a bundle of wood. Walking around Indian Pass Campground was interesting, as all the fauna was so different for me. Nearly everyone was fishing or boating. After my walk I took a supply/ice-cream run. Then explored the further side of the penninsula, upto the point where a park pass was required. Back at camp I started a fire, because I wanted coals to cook dinner on. The freezer in Ocala contained a frozen filet mignon that I didn't want thrown away. It thawed out nicely in my side case in the heat. I don't buy that good a cut of meat, so it was a real treat for me. I thought of my late step mother and my father while I enjoyed around the campfire. Until the bugs started coming out and I went to take a before bed shower.

It was hot, so sleeping wasn't easy. I woke up a lot, and was always clamy. My site was bathroom adjacent, so there was morning traffic. But I slept in a little late and didn't get on the road until 0830.