Meet up in Shelburne VT(5/21/23)-by Anne

May 21st Ride to Shelburne campground to meet up with Rob.  My morning started at 4:45 am. I wasn't planning on getting up that early, but the whippoorwill decided it needed to be my alarm clock. It sat directly outside my window.  I was pretty tired from having lessons and putting on a clinic yesterday, so I decided to try to go back to sleep. Though the whippoorwill was polite and quieted down for a minute, It started up again just a little farther away.  Oh well,  a cup of coffee and an episode of the comedy Golden Girls, and I was at least awake enough to pack. 

 It took me a couple of hours to do last minute chores,  and to get my ducks in a row before I could leave.   I got a text from Rob around 8 that he was mounting up and I left a few minutes later at 8:05am.    It wasn't too cold 58 degrees, so I didn't bother with my heated liner. I made it to Northwood, and decided I needed it after all. A quick stop to put it on and then off I go.  I thought I would make it to Lebanon NH before taking a break, but I got to Warner and I needed the bathroom.  So I stop at Dunkin to pee.  After dismounting and of course taking off helmet, ear plugs jacket etc. I walk to the door and find that the lobby isn't open. Ugh…. I reluctantly go back to the bike and put back on the ear plugs, jacket, gloves, helmet and drive across the street to the Irving.  I use the facilities and grab a coffee and a maple almond Danish.  It was very yummy.  I realize that I should get gas, so I pull around to the pump.  I learned two things.  First get gas before you go in the store  and pull in at an angle to the pump, so you can get off your bike and have room to pump etc.

I continue on my way.  I am glad to have put on my heated liner as it was pretty cold and windy on the highway.  I get off 89 onto Route 4 which takes me through scenic Woodstock, Queechee, and up over the mountains of Killington VT.   In Woodstock I decided to stop at Cumberland Farms to use the restroom and get a bit of lunch to eat later along the way.  As I am packing up,  I meet a nice gentleman who owns a Victory Motorcycle.  We chat a bit and he says he has ridden all the way to California, as well as route 66 and to many of the state parks of the west.  He went to death valley and he said it was too hot for his motorcycle thermometer to register.  Once it cooled off to a toasty 122 then his thermometer could give a temp. Too hot for me.🔥 

 It had warmed up considerably, so I put the liner away and continued on my way.  I passed by the  beautiful historic buildings of Woodstock and meandered along the river toward Killington.  The sky was blue and the roads were quiet.  Life is a little more laid back in Vermont, especially on a Sunday.   As I am riding,  I notice a nice ice cream place on the right, just as a turkey vulture decides to almost fly into me out of nowhere. Mother nature is trying to make sure I am watching the road.   As I head up and over the Killington Mountains I realize that it is much colder.  Again I wish I had my heat, but figure it will be warmer once I get down the Mountain.  I was wrong and it was cloudy too.  I make a quick stop in Rutland to pee and put my liner back on.   I take route 7 north,  heading toward Shelburne.  Though I am anticipating meeting up with Rob, I  ride  leisurely as I pass by farms with newly plowed fields and the Adirondacks mountains in the distance.   I am reminded again to keep my eyes on the road, when it gets particularly windy and I am moved side to side quite strongly. 

  My only use for the gps on this trip was so that I could listen to music.  Through the cardo I was able to listen to music sometimes. It had a quirk where it would just pause on its own for no apparent reason.   To rectify the situation, I would have to tell the cardo… Hey Cardo music off and then Hey Cardo music on.  The Cardo would do her job and I could listen to a song or two and then it would go quiet again and I would have to repeat the process.  It did keep me awake and amused every time it happened.  

 I arrive safely in Shelburne.  I pull into the driveway to the motel in front of the campground.  I try to ignore the long stretch of Rick rack looking gravel that makes up the entrance to the campground.   As I stop, Rob calls and he says that he is a ways out still.  I suit back up and say a prayer as I ride over the gravel to the campground office.  The office is closed, so I go online and get us a campsite for two nights.  I ride to the site,  and set up my chair in the shade to eat my lunch I bought earlier.  I get a message that Rob has to take a detour, so he won't be here until around four.  I finish my lunch and decide to sit and write this blog while I wait.  I am almost finished when I hear the familiar sound of Rob's motorcycle coming through the campground.   🥰