KY WV (10/25/23 Wed)

My riverside campsite at Clayton Geneva Memorial Campground was very peaceful. I was the only camper, except for the squirrels. I snapped some photos of Black Walnuts, as the ground was littered with them. The dirt switchbacks are easier to navigate uphill in daylight than downhill in the dark. Far less pucker involved.

The morning riding temperature was a brisk 45F. It climbed slowly to 51F before breakfast. Then spent the rest of the day between 62F and 78F. Wore my under jacket before breakfast. Continued on with heavier gloves untill mid afternoon. After dinner switched back to heavier gloves and all vents closed (no under jacket). Used heated grips but no heated liner yet. Luckily the heated liner should work fine in dry cold.

Kentucky had some great roads. West Virginia even better. My worn rear tire's center tread had the day off today, while I wore down the tire's edges. The days ride took me from what seemed like peak foliage into past peak. I have pictures taken while riding. Very pretty with colors on layers of hillsides and valleys.

Unlike me to eat breakfast at McD. However my grid search of all the streets, then google maps came up empty, except for McD. Breakfast is at least their best meal, and I tightened my chain in their parking lot.

A co-located Arby's at mid-day gas stop lured me to eat one regular during a gas & water refill.

Kentucky is long in the east west direction, and I rode most of it that way. Then into WV and riding diagonally, it's longest span. I wanted to take the New River Gorge Bridge. I never had because it's on a major interstate road Rt19. Normally I ride the back roads. But just like VT, I discovered that the WV highways are very scenic as well. So I didn't feel too bad taking them to get a further towards home today. Especially after dark.

New River Gorge Bridge? It's long and high, but the visitors center is on the east side. Far better lighting to photograph in the morning. The evening sun was in your face. I took a few photos from the top and bottom viewing area. Later I found a driving route that might have given me a view with the sun at my back, but I would need to go back into the city just before rush hour. And I still wanted to reduce my distance to reach home. So off I went with just the poor photos and a sticker. I discovered I was back in my home timezone, when the park store closed minutes after I got in. I thought I had an hour, and wanted to get photos before the light got even worse. Guess it was good that I used the stairs for a workout and reached the store just in time.

More fuel problems today. I no longer believe a gas tank vapor lock is involved. It has now occurred with a full fuel tank. It seems to occur after a short break. But is certainly related to how much throttle I give. Light throttle works. So starting out into traffic is worst case. Even at highway speeds a heavy dose of throttle bogs down. So hills can become an issue when you can't complete a truck pass. I still suspect fuel, but can't rule out the air filter. I did get half a tank of mid grade gas, no effect noticed.

Just before dark east of Weston, WV was my days last tank refill and a chinese buffet for dinner. It was quick and very good, but then I had an hours ride after dark to reach the selected campground.

Arriving after dark at what seemed like the rangers house, I went back out and followed signs to the other side of the park and the Chestnut Ridge Regional Park campground of Coopers Rock State Forest. The map board offers a QR code for after hours registration, but the wifi AP they posted didn't exist. And there is no cell service in the Park. So I went looking for a tent site. First down a no-vehicles trail, then on loop A for tents. After spooking a heard of deer, I setup alone in site #A9. My fly was still wet, so I threw it over the warm bike to dry off, which took about 20 minutes.

I was ready for bed but figured I should type up somethng before it all fell out of my head. Can't post without any signal, maybe I'll have some during the ride tomorow.