Gros Morne (8/7/23 Mon)

First coffee in camp using the campground water that mandates a 1 minute rolling boil. Then off to Timmy's in Steady Brook, which was closed due to the water boil rule. We continued on to Pasadena and Cafe 59. Sort of an odd Pizza/Coffee shop. No breakfast, but coffee and begals. Good enough.

Gros Morne Park was only a few hours ride so we soon arrived at the payment gate. The main gate person said the campgrounds would know by noon of any open campsites at all park campgrounds. She also let us know it was $10/day or $50/season each to camp in and explore Gros Morne. The best option was $70/each for a year parks Canada pass. Our plan was 4 days this week. So by the day was the cheapest option for now.

We pulled off a few times at overlooks for photos. Eventually reaching the first campground BerryHill. They had an overflow spot open for us to tent, but only for one night. While we talked spot #11 opened at Green Point for two nights and we quickly bought it and two days of park passes. We also learned the Trout River Campground was often the last to sell out of campsites.

After finding our campsite we rode back to Rocky Harbour for gas, food and sone shopping. Then straight past Green Point to Western Brook Pond to take a few pictures of the mountains. And to pre-scout our planned boat tour for a clear day this week.

Finally back to Green Point site 11 to setup the tent. And walk down to the Rocky beach off the edge of our campground.