Fundy to Ferry (8/4/23 Fri)

After arriving late, having the security visit and loosing an hour to a timezone crossing we slept in. Just enough to wait for the 1000 opening of the local administration building. We could have driven into Alma (or back the way we came) to the park boothes on the road which open at 0800. Bit we chose to walk around the campground and Wolfe Lake until 1000. The campground has these interesting drip/genie bottle cabins, that rent out for $120CA. They look like space capsules on their pipework stilts and long handicaped loading ramps. Especially when the railing are lit up at night with LED light ropes.

After considering our options and checking the tides we realized we would end up in Hopewell Rocks during a high tide. Anne was sad at missing Hopewell Rocks low tide, now two years in a row. Disappointment in tow we decided to skip Hopewell and backtrack to the highway to save time.

Anne really likes to eat breakfast before going too far. Too far is subjective, and I seem to be on the wrong side of it most of the time. I selected the closest eatery but that cafe was closed. I asked a nice dog walking lady who suggested Family Favorite Restaurant. A page in the menu gave the owners history. The owners went to Calgary and returnd home to buy this restaurant someime in the 1970s. It turned in to a slow breakfast and long stop, but a popular spot for locals.

Trying to get into some chain routine maintenance we checked and lubed chains at the first gas stop.

On the highway we quickly reached Nova Sotia, while I was still expecting Moncton. Having not really planned our GPS route I was a bit surprised by the roads change into a toll road. There was an exit which did bypass the toll with an old slower road. It wasn't bad, but it probably made more sense to just to pay the toll. Not really much fun fishing out toll money on a bike, so instinctually I avoid it.

Dark skies appeared overhead as we neared the Conso Causeway. Before crossing we stopped to fuel up and check the rain app oppn my phone. It showed a rain cell near us and one up in the middle of CBI where we expected to stay at the Provential Park in Whycogomag

Anne stopped at the Farmers Daughter, while I went ahead to Whycogomag Provincial Park. Which turned out to be full for both Friday and Saturday nights. When I got back Anne was just getting into line to order food. We placed the last order at the Farmers Daughter counter just and after 1900 and waited for our food inside locked doors.

While eating on their covered deck the rain hit. A guy from Maine on a Spider pulling a trailer came in from the North. I asked if it was raining that way and he said he just drove into it. and that he left his glasses inside this stop earlier. Anne talked with him after he retrieved his glasses. He had a Saturday noon ferry ticket to Newfoundland. But he didn't realize there was a night ferry crossing. Given his failed attempts to find decent lodging, he wanted to head up to North Sydney with us.

We had decided the best plan from here was to head directly to the North Sydney ferry. We should arrive by 2130, and would try to get on the 2345 ferry tonight. We hit rain on route and lost our Spider rider to a dry motel.

Much to Anne's suprise my ferry plot all worked out for us. There was a wait at the entry booths, but they called and had space for us, and could sell us tickets. A truck had just been turned away, but they had motorcycle sized space. Soon we had strapped down our bikes and headed to find seats. We met two bikers who came in just after us. Nice guys from New Brunswick, whom we talked with that evenning and again in the morning.

Once seated I exchanged texts with Tucker. He was heading to bed, bike packed and ready to leave to Sturgis first thing Saturday morning. Later I had a text from Nate, must have come in as we sailed out of cell range, because my reply was never sent.