Fudging it (7/12/23 Wed)

So I survived the H&K Motel in Anderson, IN. I got very little sleep, but it was all bark. I had fire crackers in the parking lot around midnight. A knock on the door at 0015. Activity most of the night outside, but nothing at my bike. I killed one cockroach, but it had two more dead friends in the morning. Maybe I stepped on them when looking out the window. I used nothing in the room and must do laundry today so I have clean sheets and pillow case.

So on my way into Anderson I saw a few billboards that I wanted to know more about. The first of which said the best fudge comes from Uranius. That's a line that needs explaination. So I went to find out more in the morning. Really nothing to hang around the hotel for! So I was in the Uranius parking lot 30 minutes before they opened at 0800.

The Fudge company was pretty funny. I let them pack me some fudge. It was good. I really liked all the Tee shirts and signs they had around. Certainly not taking themselves to seriously at this place. I now have a sticker from Uranius. More importantly I think I saw the one interesting thing in Anderson IN, so I never need to return! Even if I get a great job offer from Anderson University.

I selected my path North based on rain fronts and temperatures. That sent me northeast below the rain, but as far north as possible toward the cool front. For a bit that was a tightrope walk. I road with clouds to my left and on a wet road surface. No rain on me but it was 72F. Good while it lasted. Eventually I saw rain on my visor. So I took the opportunity to visit New Hampshire, OH. That took me further east out of the rain and the gps corrected by going much further south and getting me way out of the rain front, but more into the heat. So far 85F has been the high, so it was a good trade.

After my motel nightmare I'm playig it safe. I really can't ride all the way home today safely (16 hours). But the half way point is in Galeton PA, where I stayed for NEVA in 2021. I know the campground has a laundry, and isn't too scrary.

(to be continued...)

Not too much more to add to this travel day. I bounced off rain again once or twice in the day. One led me to the town of New Hampshire OH. Another just made me stop for Arby's and rethink my Galeton plan. It added time to reach Galeton and left me so far north that Vermont was part of the ride home. Anne assures me that Vermont is under water at this time and should be avoided. So I let the gps pick a southern Mass route that does the normal Rt 80 -> 84 -> 90 path home. I stopped at a Quality Inn in Lamar PA, that leaves me 7 hours of riding to reach home on thursday night.

Home thursday will allow me prep the bike on Friday (front tire, oil change, and plugs) so that I can ride to Mariland tuesday for a custom seat build on wednesday. Wonder how I'm ever going to test a new seat?