from Anne's view (5/3/22023) -by Anne)

A cloudy morning here at Warehouse 16. The birds are singing and two Bard owls were just having an early am conversation. The buds on the trees are starting to open and the grass is a bright spring green after many inches of rain.

When I went down stairs to let our dog Suzie out and feed the chickens, Suzie sat in the driveway insisting that I go for a walk with her. So off we went. I stay on the driveway, while she explores twice the distance on the adjacent paths. We meet up eventually at the top of our hill.

My husband Rob had his position at UNH eliminated recently. He had been there for 36 years. While he decides what is next, he is off traveling on his motorcycle. I don't mind having time alone, but it has been an adjustment to have him away and not be sure when he is coming back. There is the natural worry about his safety, but it is more than that. With COVID he was working from home , so I got used to him being there. Now that he is away and with more longer trips on the horizon I am left with mixed feelings. I want him to explore and have his freedom, but at the same time I miss him and want to join him. If I think of him, my heart gets sad and tears well up. I can talk on the phone, but it isn't quite the same. I make myself move on with my day. I don't mind doing things on my own, but you get used checking with your spouse before making any plans. I have to get used to doing things as if he isn't here. It is harder to do than I thought. I even found it hard to concentrate on the things I like to do. I guess with anything I have to take one day at a time. It would be nice to be asked to join him? However, as my mom says: "someone has to stay and keep the home fires burning."

Till next time……