Family visit (5/16/2023 Tuesday)

After allocating two days for the Barber Motosports Museum and only needing one, I found had another day to fill. I texted my nephew of my plan change, and he replied that actually worked better for him if I rode to him. Previously he had wanted to come and attend the museum too, but life got ithe way of that.that on his end as well as mine.

it was about 2.5 hours ride to them. Half on a 6 lane highway, then a straight shot on a four lane through a few towns. We met at the local Walmart,, which enabled me to resuply my #4 coffe filters and buy a tin can citronella candle. Later that evening I will learn that two might be a better number of citronella candles. Then you can have one each side of your chair and protect both arms. Shortly after collecting my supplies a get the text my neiphew and his fiance are out by my bike. They rode 2up to come and escort me to my middle step brothers house.

We arrive at the house and get tour, then decide to take one car to the restaurant for some mexican food. We all enjoyed the food and had some good conversations while eating. Followed by a tour around town and back to the house. We talked a bit more before having to get back to our lives in progress. For me that meant attempting to time the 2.5 hour ride back such that I missed all the rain heading across the state. Turns out I nailed that part and arrived home without any rain.

About 30 minutes after getting home we had one of those southern thunder and lightning storms that just dumps down rain. Again I sat under my tarp in my chair and worked on the website. Anne had provided a number of het own posts, and now I setup a plan on how to deal with them. She sent some prior ones as well, so I got them all online. At the expense of doing this blog post of my own. This one wasn't completed util days later at a campground by my self, after my evening shower.