Family feast (10/15/23 Sun)

Coffee on the deck and a blog update. Followed by a second coffee and wait until the other guests arrived.

Three generations cooking, eating, talking, and being hit by nerf darts and water balloons. Kids are crazy, especially young boys. If you've not had a child in the internet age, here' is something you may not no. Boys in single digit ages can find endless intertainment in "poop videos". Don't worry it's not really a video of pooping (thats a different boys age group website). It's more of a the pre-teen mind that chuckles when somebody says "do, do" in a sentance. And yes Jennifer if you're reading this I'm thinking you! A 30 year old (you're welcome) woman who should act mature, butt ( hehee) wonderfully hasn't grown up yet. You continue to do you girl, don't ever change. Now back to to the actual pre-teens. They are wild and unpredictable fun. Take any opportunity to borrow some for just a day. After sending them home have a glass of wine. Everything will be better that day, even the wine. Why do you think I brought up "poop vids"? Well I'm not going to tell you. Maybe just a hint: boys, water baloons, and underwear. Now try to get that image out of your mind, I know I am.

The days cooking took hours. A steady stream of items to be dipped in beer batter and fried up. Chicken, fish, okra, onion rings, french fries, ,hush puppies, and stuffed peppers. If you are overly health concious we also had vegetables. Oddly the boys ate a lot of vegetables and far less fried food. I plea the fifth about what I ate, but you can see the photo of my plate.

Local deer oversaw the cooks to ensure no "friends" were harmed in the making of this meal. Luckily the deer hadn't arrived for the earlier transfer of Axis dry rings and jerky.

Speaking of Jerky. When grilled Elaine revealed my reference standard for jerky is only about a mile from her house. Alright I will admit that "grilled" maybe overstating my effort. But without that verbage you would correctly assume that we just talked non-stop for two days without any focus untill something interesting came up. Thirty plus years ago I made the mistake of eating jerkey from a slaughterhouse in Texas. It became my 10 of 10 for the jerky scale. I can not recall any jerky since that I would rate above a 7. To confirm my scale hasn't been artificially shifted by time, I plan to stop monday morning and buy some peppered jerkey to sample. It's time to recalibrate what a consitutes a 10 in 2023.