Down to Teton and Yellowstone (7/5/23 Wed)

This is just a travel day to hopefully get past the busy 4th of July in the string of National Parks that come next.

I headed south and hugged the mountain ranges on the lower Eastern border of Montana, and into Idaho. It was a pretty ride and included some nice views in Idaho. For lunch I stopped at a gas station that had a Crepe truck outside. That turned out to be very tasty.

My next gas stop was long the Snake River, so I looked up the Evil Kenival jump loation, but it was a half days ride further. I cut back into Wyoming to enter the Tetons National Park. Where I stayed in one of the southernmost park campgrounds. The only service provided was a pit toilet, and it was far from cell signal.

Since I stopped early I was able to ride into town for dinner after camp setup. My dinner destination was Jackson Hole. Where I ate at the Gun Barrel. The Gun Barrel was expensive but has a very interesting western theme. I'm wordy enough so I'll let the picttures handle it. After dinner I made the 35 minute trip back to my tent, on the same road I would take north in the morning.