Dog River (6/4/23 Sun)

Many people would call this a really boring day, a few would think it epic. I started my day in from Aron provicial park in Ontario, traveled entirely through Manitoba and another time zone and ended my day in Rouleaux, Saskatchewan (as seen on TV depicted as Dog River).

The boring part was a long drive. But it was really interesting to see the rocks and ponds of Ontario, then Manitoba with large planted feilds. Much of Manitoba I was riding into strong thunder cells. They towered into the sky as big buffy mushrooms with smokey roots down to the ground. Some lightning and thunder, but never really close to me. My route treaded through them pretty well, I only got wet four times. Once was significant and I stopped to add the frog togg later over my normal suit. The other times I just rode through and got damp, which felt pretty good at 32C. The storms dropped the temps down to 22C which was nice, until I road past and was back into the heat.

The long daylight and time zone gains make for many kilometer days. It was unbelievable to cover so much distance and have time to wonder around "Dog River" taking photos.

I met Edwin at the Dog River campground. He pulled in just after me for a five month stay as the roadside mowing guy. Met him again in the morning while waiting for the town office to open so I could pay my $10 tent fee. No business in town still had Dog River stickers, as the tourist attraction has run it's course.

The campground was cheap and reasonable. Located just under the water tower. The town of Rouleaux is small but the one of everthing is more than adequate.

The 0330, 0430, and 0630 train is long and not shy about blowing it's wistle. I took two photos of it this morning while packing up, one of the front, and another of the rear.

I started this update outside the town offices, waiting for them to open at 0830. Completed it at the Tim Hortons in Moose Jaw. Loving the Timmy's free wifi for uploads, and coffee. I plan to see if I can find a digital camera in Moose Jaw. It would be really nice to be able to take photos while riding. It's the one thing I didn't find before leaving home.