Chain-mail (6/9/23 Fri)

After morning coffee I packed up and set off towards Whitehorse. I did pass a number of gas stops along the way, so I suspect I would have been fine without my spare gas can. I poured that into my tank last night, so so I was able to pass a lot of gas stations on my way to Whitehorse. I did fill up once and then again once reaching Whitehorse.

The rugged mountain views along this route matched those from BC. I had wondered if the best section was going to be in BC, but the Yukon delivered just as much, and at what seemed like a larger scale. In addition to my cheap camera shots I stopped a few times just to take phone photos of the most amazing places. The phone photos should all be up now because my Whitehorse gas stop was next-door to a Timmy's. So I got a coffee and muffin, and uploaded photos. Expecting to go find a place for a good breakfast.

Other things I searched for while drinking my coffee was a laundomat and Suzuki dealer. Turns out both existed within two blocks of my Timmy's. I hadn't expected the Suzuki dealer to have my sprockets, but figured a 525 chain should be common enough. They had nothing, but noted parts take about 10 days. Waiting for those here would make me miss Dust to Dawson (D2D), by keeping me here past the 15th. Given I had the parts at home I asked about shipping. They didn't know but sent me to the Canadian Post to find out more. The Canadian Post said longer than I had, but they are not the fastest, for that I should check UPS and FedEx which was handled in the Staples next door. Off to Staples, who thought FedEx could get it to them by Wednesday, but that was just a guess. I would need to confirm from the sending side.

Still needing to do laundry I decided I could sort out my options while clothes spun. Outside the laudromat I met a guy who suggested the towns Yamaha shop was the best shop in town, followed by the Honda shop. So I decided I should try Yamaha before laundy. A very helpful guy at the Yamaha shop spent a long time with me working out all sorts of options. The final solution we both liked was to sell me a 525 chain longer than I needed. Have Anne send me my srockets and chain tool. I could then come back to the shop and use their temp space to install them with my own tools. Anne could have shipped me a chain too, but they are heavy and this will alredy be an expensive rush shipping.

I noted that I planned to go to the motorcycle campground. The Yamaha shop guy was crazy helpful there as well. I asked if they had laundry and he said the campground next to them did, but he tried to call the motorcycle one. They didn't open for another hour. I just went to the Caribou Campground next door and started my laundry. Then called Anne with some plans and finally took a much needed shower.

So hours of considering options the final answer was to have Anne collect the necessary parts and FedEx them to Dawson City from NH first thing Saturday morning. I will then ride the 600km tomorrow on my worn-out sprockets and stretched chain. A lot like I have been doing for days. I'll still need access to some tools, but I'll have all the parts at the destination I've been targetting. Ideally I'll have the parts and get them installed before any events start on the 15th. This way I shouldn't miss D2D, and eventually my parts will arrive.

All that's left is to ride safely to Dawson City. Have Anne FedEx the parts successfully to me, and find the necessary tools to install them. But I should have a few days in town to locate the tools I need. And Dawson City looks like it will be easier to spend time in than Whitehorse. It would be great if I could ride to interesting places to spend my extra time. But a number of days off the bike would be kind of nice at this point.