Canada day in Heartland (7/1/23)

New month same routine. Packed up camp while eating oatmeal and coffee. Left the campsite and parked in the overflow parking for Jonston Canyon. This canyon is about 25min north of Bamf (the town). The trail was paved and had lots of raised metal sidewalks through a river canyon. They kept all of us on the trail with two way trafic on 1.75 person wide walkways. With dogs and kids. Not a scenario set up to endear one to humanity, more like the opposite.

The lower falls is a half mile hike in, the upper was 1.5 miles in. They gave mileage and kilometers on different signs, but I liked the old wood one listing miles best. The lower falls was packed with people snapping selfies. I snapped a photo or two and continued. The hike offered some nice photos of the river and cliffs. At the destination I reached a line. After 40min I was at the front for my couple of photos (left photo). I climbed to the top of the falls because I was now pot committed to get all the value for my time. Hiked back out the same 1.5 miles to the trailhead coffee vendor and had a cup.

It was now near noon. When we last left our hero he planned to reach Calgary and a motorcycle shop for a rear tire before the motorcycle shops all close for two days.

I picked what appeared to be my best chance and rode to Calgary. The highway view was especially pretty near Canmore. From the highway it's a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains. They also have built and are building wildlife bridges over this highway between Bamf and Calgary. The design is kind of a double rainbow/bouncing arch with grass and trees on top. Calgary sprawls wide into rolling feilds. It's very large and densely populated at the core. The nucleus is a towering set of high-rises in a valley. So at times you are looking down on the city.

When I reached my motorcycle shop it was closed. Sign on the door said closed 7/1 for Canada day. I knew it was a holiday weekend but the details actually matter. I sat on a bench and searched for anything open or close enough to try. Another biker rolled up on a Triumph 1000. I asked if he was a local. Jackpot. Seems he was a motorcycle shop foreman in Calgary, and knows everyone.

He personally checked my new chain, after my story he figured I had it too tight. He said it was good and looked well taken care of. He too suspects I bought a bad chain. We both like DID and EK, which was not what I bought. When I say this guy knew everyone I meant it. He worked on the Norton seen in the Heartland TV series. He repaired McGregor's aluminum pannier after his Calgary fender bemder. He also told me the likely shops for tires and the most likely to get me in for the tire change. Even informed me the best path out of the city.

That sent me to Paul at Motorad in Turner Valley. The website said he was closed. My local knowledge transfer noted that Motoburrito was related and on the same property. Turner Valley is one town south of my target Millarville (Heartland TV show ranch location). Turner Valley also has a municipal campground. With luck I would find a campsite for a few nights and wait for shop to open.

Best case scenario wasn't even on my mind, but it all happened. I located the open Motoburrito and rode into the motorcycle only parking. I noticed the Motorad shop door open and a number of guys hanging out. So over I went.

When I found Paul I asked if I could get a tire changed on Monday? I am closed Monday, but I am open now. He had a Heidenau in my size and put it on. I had an great burger from Motoburrito, got a new tire installed and met some amazing people. One of the guys hanging out was Scotty. He asked where I was headed next and I said hopefully the municipal campground. He offered a place to pitch a tent at his place.

Turns out Scotty was renting the corner of a friend's field to camp on with his toy hauler. A couple of pipeline workers are also in this corner of the field. The ranch is a wide open feild with a Rockies foothill backing and about 400 head of cattle. Hard to imagine a nicer place to camp for free. Scotty is a great host and made me drink a full six pack of his beer and eat his home made beef jerky. I guess I can still take orders, because each time he told me to go get another beer I did. We sat up talking until about 0200. Scotty made me promise not to pack up and leave until we had eggs for breakfast.

At 0545 I seemed wide awake and pleasantly not hung over. I was able to get back to sleep until 0800. I got up, packed up and sat in the field with an angry eagle cawing at me. Then another guy in the next trailer over asked if I wanted coffee... Sure.

So it maybe just a TV show, and I may not even be in the correct town but to me Turner Valley is Heartland. I am often quick to tears. But I sit here moved to tears at the hospitality and deep friendship I have found in the last half day. I started this trip to see a different part of the world, but it's the people in this landscape that have made the trip so wonderful.

Life is great. I miss Anne tremendously, especially while sitting in a spot she would so enjoy. But as some wiseman once uttered love the one your with. An I'm loving that Paul and Scotty made this day so memorable. Thanks you both so much.