Bunny, Bear, Moose, Beaver (6/3/23 Sat)

I set off early today 0620. Road quickly through town thinking I would stop in the next town for coffee. The sign leaving town made me check my gps and fuel, because it said 210 km until the next town. That was accurate. The bike could just make that given the fuel I had, so I figured I could live without coffee that long...

Looking up from the gps I saw a bunny race from my road shoulder up to my front tire. I saw no bunny in my rear view, so I suspect the best case for him. If not he joined two of the other three anamals listed. Awhile down the road I saw a bear, against the guard rail protecting a dropoff. I suspect it jumped over at night and being all black was near impossible for the vehicle to see. Later came the smallish moose body. And lastly the beaver in one of the many ponds I passed along the route. The beaver was most certainly alive.

This section of road started to get more hilly and really pretty. So I fought with the phone and GoPro Hero 3 connection for a bit. Then just gave up and assumed the GoPro was aimed well enough. We'll see eventually, once I finally get it connected again. My GoPro is the OLDEST one supported by the software and it took my at least an hour at home to confirm it worked. I thought that was a one time event, but now I feel it's a cronic issue.

Tim Horton's is again providing my rest stop and wifi for photo uploads. It's a great all in one stop for me. So it's becoming a habit. I'm certainly not putting off riding along the shores of Lake Superior this afternoon. Since this is the town I've been targeting since I entered Canada, I need to pick a new gps target. Luckily Tucker provided one.

If you go through Rouleau, Saskatchewan, you could take a tour of Corner Gas filming locations. https://robonlocation.com/tv/corner-gas/

So as I finish this a breakfast I know more. Like that the GoPro was set too low and didn't capture Lake Helen and Superior. And that the GoPro app really needs to join the GoPro AP itself (having auto-connect enabled on the phone makes it not work). I also know that this update should be easier because I wrote it all last night at dinner before accidently refreshing the page (before saving).

When we last left our hero he was expecting views of the lake on the ride south. There are a few, but not many. I took some GoPro footage of sections, but nothing like what I captured the bottom half of along Lake Helen. There was a really good overlook that I stopped at and took picture.

My GPS triggered fuel cadence had another near misshap. Their was only one gas stop at the far range, and I like to have more than one. But the stop 15km before it had two, but they looked like different names for the same station. So I took the far station and figured I would backtrack if needed. When I passsed I noted that the first station I saw also had a restaurant. When I reahed the second it was barren woods. After backtracking the 15km the restaurant now displayed a closed sign. After pumping gas I went into the storefront to pay and it was dark. Apparently I snuck in and pumped before they turned it off. I got the last gas, anywhere close to hear. Brad mentioned that it was easy to keep riding when it's light so late, but that services retain normal shedules. Sometimes you get caught. I almost did, but it seems a bit odd to close a towns only station at 5pm on Saturday. I will have to be more carefull tomorrow, as Sunday could be an early day for many.

Because that food stop wasn't available I was able to continue on and reach my provential park campground goal. Made a bit easier because I crossed a time zone today. I also crossed a water-shed line, that I took a picture at. Shortly after the photo I started some water heading a different way than usual.

Aaron park in Dryden is very pretty. There was a MagPie in my campsite, they are really beautiful birds. The campsite was choosen because it would support a hammoch. I setup just the tarp, took a quick shower and headed into town for what I hopped to be a bigger dinner. Turns out the best I found open was Pizza Hut. That turned out fine and I wrote all this the first time only to loose it. Back at the campsite I hung the hamoch in it's bug net and climbed in. Too hot with nothing over me. I got out and raised one side of the tarp to get more air. Still hot until about 3am, then it was good with just the sheet.

About to start my riding today, after long overdue chain maintenance. Looking overcast and we expect spotty rain. I think I'll get wet.