Anderson, MO & Beaver, AR (10/20/23 Fri)

Finally an Anderson I could live in. My only sample of an Anderson thus far was Anderson Indiana. Lets just say that never is more than enough Anderson IN. In contract the Missouri instance is quite nice. The welcome-to sign is not nearly as wonderful, but the city behind the sign is light years nicer. One doesn't fear for their life in MO. IN variant makes you happy when you escape alive. There are railroad tracks in Anderson MO, but I never found the wrong side of them. I went downtown to Main Street. There's a donut shop that wasn't open an a lot of junk shops. One block away is the Mustang Bistro for breakfast lunch and coffee. I've also visitted the Anderson Cemetary, so clearly some don't make it out alive. If you're reading this, then I didn't die. It was difficult to pass up a coin operated laundry with my name on it. Especially when I'm wearing my last "clean" clothes.

My Blue Jay campsite #8 was very nice. I was glad to have my new over-pants because it was 54F when I left camp, but dropped to 51F as I road north. My first breakfast cafe didn't exist, and next thing on route was gas station up the road a peace.

The gas station greating party was a large long heired dog with some burrs in his coat. Very friendly to all. Even friendlier when I exited with my breakfast burrito. Excellent begging skills, but I resist better at home. The lack of results wasn't off putting, and I did have water to share. While back inside to wash my hands I learned that my new best friend is new today. The two women inside both noted they are NOT taking home ANOTHER dog. On my way out I wished them luck with their new dog. Riding away the dog headed over to a little girl at the pumps. Never saw the mom who I presume could be leaving with a little girl in tears about not getting to keep "shaggy".

On my route north left R49 in Arkansas for gas, my first choice failed twice to pump, so I moved on to another. Back on the road I hit stopped traffic at a construction in 1 mile sign. When the ambulance passed I exited and battled the city traffic and succesfully gained a few exits and emerged past all the mess. By this time the temperature was 80F, so sitting in traffic was nearly the last thing I wanted to do.

NE OK, NW AR, and SW MO are very nice. Hills, trees, and rivers; oh my. I headed back from MO on Rt90 onlong the southern boarder. Then down Rt62 into Eureka Springs, AR. On my way north to Anderson I passed a number of signs enviting me to exit to the scenic Boston Mountains. I know I rode through at least a part of them as I twisted through AR.

The first town campground I selected was full, but they told me to try something north of them called The Farm. I decided to ride through Eureka Springs first and then approach The Farm counter cllockwize on Rt 187. But after crossing a one lane suspension bridge I saw Beaver RV Park & Camp, and soon after site #7 was mine for the night.

My neighbors are a local family celebrating a kids birthday. I've enjoyed talking with them, eating cake, and drinking a beer. I took their suggestion to walk up river along the riverside trail. Which provided some really nice last daylight photos. And an opportunity to chat with other locals. Anne joined some of these conversations via cell as I walked the river trail, then had tea back at my picnic table.