Amazon to the rescue (6/13/23 Tue)

My first priority of the day was to determine the best way to get the necessary parts and tools I need to Fairbanks. After breakfast I called the motorcycle shop in Fairbanks only to find they hadn't opened yet (another timezone). So I spent the half an hour looking at other options. Turns out the 2 weeks it would take to get a sprocket to Whitehorse, YK; is only 3 days to Fairbanks, AK. So for half the price of shipping two sprockets and a rivet tool from NH I could have them all within 4 days.

I called the place I intend to stay in Fairbanks and asked about shipping items to them. No problem. They took a note to expect shipment, and I should actually ride into camp on Friday. The same day the spockets arrive. The rivet/breaker tool should arrive on Saturday. So near perfect timing for me, if the extimates hold.

There are still a few details to work out. I don't have the giant socket for the front sprocket, so I will need to locate some additional tools to do the complete sprocket job. I should also take the time to change my oil, which is also a bit of messy process.

Once in Fiarbanks I hope to find someone else heading to Deadhorse and travel up and back with them. After that I'll need to figure out what else I want to see in Alaska and/or the Canadian Rockies. Currently Jasper, AB seems like the one thing I don't want to miss.

My latest friends from Seatle are leaving on Wednesday. So I get to make some new friends. We've done a number of tourist attractions together.

Today we went to Dredge #4. That was very interesting to see a 9 story tall machine that digs and shorts all the soil down to bedrock and extracts the metals. Oddly its like a huge boat/vacume that plugs into power and sucks up and spits out the earth. The tour guide said the machine is a bit like a washing machine where you through out the clothes and keep the dirt.

Many bikes pass through Dawson City. Nearly all of them adventure touring bikes. The D2D event is on Thursday night. And it's surprising to see how many bikes have come and gone on their own adventures that have nothing to do with the D2D unrally. Most are surprised to find out it's later that same week. This area is a nexus for eploring the edge of the modern world. And there are a lot of characcters doing just that. Everyone is interesting.

I found a new thing that I now need to do. There is a mountain top called the dome that you can drive to above the rock slide. The local miner I talked with last night said it was the most impressive view you can drive to anywhere. He lives here for the summer and on an island in BC for the winter. Except this year he's considering buying a truck and being and ice-road trucker. He also told me that yesterday the Gold Rush show was in town and filming some shots riding around Dawson City.