almost Louisiana (10/21/23 Sat)

Waited a few extra minutes this morning for the attendant to open up, so I could buy a sticker. Saw them in the window after they closed, and clearly I needed it.

Heading south though the AR Ozarks on Rt 7, I found Buffalo National River. It was very pretty passing over it on the bridge and had a walking trail on the south side of the bridge. I jumped off partly to escape the traffic I had caught up to, but the park and restroom offered some releif after riding. Not a long ride but I should have gone one last time before leaving my Beaver campsite, then I would have felt less preasure to stop. I was traveling along the river, because much later I took a photo of it's canyon. Seemed more like a big valley to me.

Fall foliage has nearly arrived with me in the Ozarks. Apparently I passed it in Colorado an it's yet to catch up with me. Probably a week behind me at this local. Anne tells me southern NH is pretty close to peak now. And it's raining today, so I doubt much will remain for me to see later this week when I return from my Sep-Oct roll-about.

I found Low Gap Cafe in Jasper, AR. Jasper was the name of one of Anne's horses. So it seemed like a fitting place to stop, since I plan to swing by where Anne went for horse training in AR. She took a different horse than Jasper, but close counts in horse shoes. My waitress was really nice, food OK, paintings on the walls very nice and not too pricey. I even know her favorite painting.

Laundry and a shower are on todays todo list, but not much else. I don't need to get anyplace special. Heading for Coffee Bean Coral in Mississippe which opens for the week on monday.

My route east to Bee Branch and then south to Demascus, got me close to Anne's trainer. But my bike had the fuel dilivery problem again today, and even a little yesterday. Both times near the bottom of a tank, and a fillup made it go away. An hour from my selected campground, and half hour from sunset I stopped for gas and food. When I came out to the full bike and pulled away it bucked down the road at least a mile before I pulled over. It wouldn't take more fuel than idle, and bucked down the road again after idling a few minutes fine. I turned it off and opened the fuel tank. Then rode away without any further problems to my campsite. Never had a full tank do this yet. Next time I plan to use my spare key and open the tank with the bike running. If that works I can assume some tank vapor lock. If it tails I'll just turn off and on the bike to see if that is the magic fix. Maybe I have a loose or dirty connector contact someplace on the fuel injection wiring. Once I'm home I should QD all the contacts.

The bike turned over 50,000 miles today. I suspect it might have a few more mechanical problems in the second and third 50,000 miles.

Not worried about getting anyplace today. But wanted to do laundry. I didn't do laundry and I'm currently 2 hours from my Monday stop at Coffee Bean Corral. I didn't go south enough to reach Louisiana, but reached the Mississippi River and started down the AR side. But found camping at Warfield Point Park on the MS side. Tomorrow I will cross back into AR and continue south to pickup LA. And find someplace to do my laundy.