Almost Deadhorse (6/19/23 Mon)

Continuing my string of almosts... My Deadhorse plan was to leave early for Coldfoot, the half way point. Then continue to Deadhorse the next day. Reverse the process and come back to Fairbanks. Four days total, and check off the furthest north you can drive in the US. A really nice bookend to to Key West Florida, the further south you can go in the US.

I got the early start and made OK time.

The road had many pilot driver sections. One of the stop/slow sign holders told me and the other couple on a bike that the road conditions past Coldfoot were bad. That we really needed to get updates in the morning before heading that way.

I almost passed the first gas stop, because I didn't need it. But it was three hours into my ride and the ONLY thing on the route. So I decided I should go back, at least for the rest stop. There was a dozen motorcycles outside. Inside there was a breakfast to lunch cutover. So I went out to top of the tank. Then I ate a salad for my breakfast.

Back outside I was packing up to go and one guy asked what direction I was heading. When I said North he said the road was bad; deep and too muddy for my tires. He said some of the other group here had started north and couldn't continue. He left Deadhorse this morning before snow was supposed to hit there today.

That didn't sound good but I had no cell signal or wifi to check it. I decided to try my InReach weather report, but it failed 3 times. My thought was to at least reach the Artic Circle. Maybe even go to Coldfoot and spend the night as expected. The Arctic Circle was 60 miles further north, and Coldfoot was another 60 miles past that.

The road was OK dry, but would be bad wet. And very difficult with a fogged up helmet. The section in question was on the North side of a mountain range. If it was really worse than this, it would be impassable if wet. Cold temperatures would present another set of problems.

Just prior to getting to the Arctic Circle it started to rain and the skies ahead looked darker.

The road is slow going and has surprise pot-holes, cracks, buckled road, and deeper loose rock. The pilot led construction sections are many and sometimes 20 minutes of leading. Plus waiting for the pilot vehicle.

It was only 1400 when I reached the Artic Circle. I should be able to drive back to Fairbanks tonight. Saving myself three extra days and a lot of expensive food and lodging.

So I made the call to head back to the hostel. Which I ended up riding in one shot to Fairbanks to a BBQ joint. Then back to the hostel to re-setup my hammock and tarp.

It does look like it will rain part of the day Tuesday. The next leg of my journey is to travel the Old Denalli Highway, but south of here is slightly more into the rain. Wednesday would be a better day than Tuesday. Maybe I'll goto the motorcycle shop and/or get my oil changed tomorrow. The following days look decent to continue my way out of Alaska and back into the Yukon.

If I'm looking for a way to spend a rainy day I have the book I was given by the author yesterday. "Give Me The Hudson of the Yukon" by Mike McCann. I might even give it a start tonight.