Abandonment to the crown (6/24/23 Sat)

Aside from the mosquittos the day started out fine. After trying to sleep a little later, I succeeded by sleeping a little late. Since I had little to do I just packed up and left camp. The first boarder shown on my gps wasn't into Alaska but from the Yukon into British Columbia. Eventually I did pass into Alaska. The boarder guard was very nice. He has family in Clairmont NH. He also noted that I had never signed my passport.

At this point it goes without saying there are a lot of crazy beautiful mountains and I took pictures. Some on the phone you'll eventually get to see once I get someplace with wifi or good cell coverage. My scenic little town of Atlin, BC has no cell and I've yet to find wifi.

But first lets talk Haines, AK. I rode into town and by a few gas stations looking for premium fuel. Eventually I looped back to the 2nd stop and pumped regular unleaded and used my octane boost. Takes longer because I need to fish the additive out of my cases at the pump. Then I looked up a breakfast place. A restaurant and bakery topped the list. Once seated I had a few cups of coffee, eggs benedict, followed by a peacan sticky bun, as well as a togo 7 layer bar.

With the bike and I full, I set off to the ferry to check the times. I passed an entrance to a boat dock with two bikes in the empty parking lot. I u-turned and rode up to the bikes. Asking the guys if we just missed the ferry? No they said, but you need to run in for a ticket, we load last. I jumped off the bike and ran inside. The guy loading radioed to say one more. Quick data entry and payment and I was back at the bike with my tickets exactly when they lined us up at the ramp. This ferry loaded from a side ramp near the front of the boat. So we waited at the ramp for the campers to enter and back into their places. Then they sent us to the bow to park against a rail, and they blocked our rear tires. I just left mine untied as did the guy with the Honda. His friend with a new Pan America Harley tied his bike down. Then up to the passenger decks we went.

I spent some time talking with the guy on the Honda. He was a retired police officer from Canada. Extremely nice guy, whos wife doesn't like to ride on the bike, but lets him go off with friends on long rides. He went off to the head I believe and I talked with another guy on deck a bit. We took pictures of waterfalls, mountains, helocopters, and cruise ships. It was a nice boat road from Haines to Skagway. Once in Skagway I proceeded to drive through it and leave.

Again more mountains, rivers, clouds, and eventually a moose in a swamp. It sounds like I'm numb to the beauty around me, but I couldn't help spouting explitives at the amazing views. It's just too much, and I don't have words to describe all the variation. So I just say "amazing/pretty/wonderful/otherworldly mountain view". I think I'm mostly done stating that fact.

So after leaving Skagway I drove into the clouds. Very dense clouds. A number of us got behind a bus slowly climbing into the dense fog with our flashers on. At one pull-out the bus swerved out and let two bikers and a van pass them, but then pulled back infront on me. So I continued following the flashing bus, and eventuall picked up a truck behind me. At one point while I was certain we should reach the boarder crossing the bus disappeared into the fog. An entire bus with flashing lights, gone! I sped up a bit to catch sight be he was gone. A few miles later the fog thinned slightly and I went a bit faster and caught the bus. Once I could see far enough I passed them. Eventually catching upto the other bikes and van at the boarder crossing back into Canada.

This was my 3rd boarder crossing into Canada. They asked all the same questions. When they asked if I had anything for personal protection I said pepper spray. They asked if it was bear spray. Yes a small can of bear spray. They asked where it was and if they could see it. So I pulled it out and showed him. Then they told me that I had just declaired a item banned in Canada. Please pull over and and officer will come out to provide you with your options. Everything is fine, you did the best thing by declaring it. Two officers came out and asked where the spray was. In my breast pocket. Slowly take it out and don't point it at us, staying away from the trigger. So I pulled it out by the key chain and dangled it out to them to take. We then went inside and I filled out paperwork to abandon my property to the king. And I asked if public land in Canada is now King's Land (formally Queen's Land). The answer is yes everything has changed over and their patches will be changed to having a kings crown on top. They already refer to all the lockdown places as the king's. And that's the story of how I surrendered my POM pepper spray to the King of England.

Eventually I pass by the Carcross dessert and reach Atlin, BC. Surprise it has pretty mountains and a lake. It also seemed mostly closed by 1830. I went to the RV campground where the guy told me he didn't really have tent sites, but would sell me one, and that the town had them for $15. I decided to check that out and went to the town area. It had nothing but outhouses, but seemed ok. I figured I should eat before setting up camp, and the Restaurant and Inn seemed like it could offer both. I went in to eat and asked about a room. There was one they needed to clean, but I could have it for $209. After looking at it I said I would pass and just tent. There is no cell service in town, so my phone didn't help locate much. Apparently it did cache a few places in maps from my earlier searches and I saw a laundry and shower. Talk about exactly what you need. So I still need to go to the town park and setup my tent. But I've taken a shower and washed my clothing. Dryer is still running, but it's likely already dry. I pretty much setup show in here, and have the place to myself. They had no chairs, so I brought in mine. I'm using a recycling basket for a desk, and charging all my electronics near an outlet. Just sitting here in my bathing suit and tee shirt with all my clothes clean. Well maybe not the towel I tossed into the drier after drying myself with it post shower. But I'm calling that clean too.